Como hacer cactus con piedras

How to paint cactus rocks

Creating cactus with stones is a fun way to decorate your home Paint cactus with stones gives us the possibility to create beautiful crafts that will adorn the corners of our home. To create these beautiful cactus...

Manualidad de hitos y amigos

Don’t forget…

Don’t forget and don’t lose your best friends (stone cairns) In PiedraCreativa we show you what are stone cairns. The stone cairns are elaborate signs that guide walkers to follow a recommended...

Maceta de cactus realizada con piedras

Painted Rock Cactus

How to create cactus with rocks? We show you how to decorate your home with cactus made with stones Tips for doing this DIY To do this DIY choose long and slightly rounded stones, so we will simulate cactus. You can use...


Do you feel good when you are in the middle of nature? Why not create it in your own home?

Use materials from nature that transport you to it. Materials such as stones, branches, wood, etc. Are ideal for generating these beautiful environments in your home.

What are the benefits that you can get with this type of decoration?
• The environment of nature reduces stress in people.
• Increases productivity in work environments.
• The green tones of plants and brown wood, earth, … generate a good feeling of well-being.

The nature in your home!