
Painted rock door stop

Piedras pintadas para sujetar puertas de PiedraCreativa

How to make a decorative painted rock door stop ?

Have you ever looked for a stone to stop a door? the idea of a door stopper is not new but very interesting.

This particular stone was in the door of the pool of our community and my son saw it and it took it. He said, mama, do you paint this stone? The truth is that this stone is quite bad, very rough, without any shape, and I thought I could not do anything with it … but do you like the result?

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Painted rock door stop


To perform this DIY we have used these materials:

  • 1 stone large to stop the door
  • Acrylic paintings
  • Brushes
  • Sticks, punches or any utensil used to make the points
  • Pencil or marker
  • Varnish

A small experiment

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Stones painted with spray paints

At first this craft was also an experiment. We started with non-toxic acrylic water spray paints, but I was not convinced. That’s why I leave you the best way to do it.

Step by step to make the doorstopper

Before starting your craft, protect the area where you go to work with stones and paint. Put on old clothes that do not matter to you to stain, since although the acrylic paint is to the water, it is not usually easy to remove, as they say … Better to prevent, than to cure!

Take a container with water to wash the brushes and paper napkins to dry them. Put on a little music that you like and … You’re ready to start enjoying!

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Step by step stone to doorsstopper

1. Wash the stone

Like any surface before being painted, you should wash it very well.

2. Make sections with a pencil

Make sections with a pencil or marker to delimit the spaces that you are going to paint later.

3. Painting with acrylic paints

Paint each space delimited of the color that you choose and applies a pair of layers of paint. If you choose light base colors, then you should use darker paint or you can do it backwards. If you use dark base, then for points you will need to use lighter paint, so it will highlight.

This time we have also used visible fluorescent paint with black light that provide an even more luminous appearance.

4. Make dots

As I said before, you must take into account the colors of the base. Mix the colors with white to brighten the different sizes of points. In this way you see more and more white on the dark base color, to make different tones. In the case of the orange color you can also use the yellow color to lighten and draw different shades.

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Painted stones for stop the doors

Latest details for your doorstopper

Paint with black acrylic paint, making the separation points of each section. Once it has dried, put a smaller dot between them white.

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Painted Mandala Stones and Door Stop Details

Protect with varnish

To finish, it is very important that you protect with a good varnish, especially if you are going to put in the street that is an acrylic varnish resistant for exterior. Apply a pair of hands to cover well and last longer.

Soon we will publish a special of different types of varnishes. (Suscribe to our newsletter and we’ll let you know about it).

We hope you liked it and encouraged you to do yours. We leave you other examples of mandalas to inspire you, as well as other nice ideas that you can find in Pinterest.

Any questions or suggestions you can leave in comments. Thanks for sharing!

A huge kiss and enjoy painting with PiedraCreativa

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