
Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint … does it work?

Como pintar piedras con spray

Water based acrylic spray paint … Is the paint good for painting stones?

Water-based acrylic paint spray is ideal for use with children because it is non-toxic and dries quickly.

Due to those great benefits, we have tested if this type of paint is valid for rock painting.


The materials we have used in these test crafts are:

  • Stones
  • Paper to protect the surface or table (e. g. newspapers)
  • Masking tape
  • Insulating tape
  • Brush
  • Varnish
  • A stick for the flower stem (third craft)
  • Water-based spray paints
materiales para pintar piedras con spray al agua 300x225 - Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint ... does it work?
Materials for painted stones with water acrylic spray

Tests done in the crafts with this type of spray paint

We have tried three main tests that we will describe to you and whose results are as follows:

como pintar piedras con spray con piedracreativa 300x300 - Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint ... does it work?
Painting stones with spray


1) Using several colors on the same stone separated with masking tape

This first way to paint crafts with spray consists of making sections with masking tape for not mix the colors.

Steps to follow to try it with masking tape

  1. Wash the stones.
  2. Use masking tape to protect the sections that you do not want to paint at any time.
  3. Then paint with the spray and wait to dry to continue painting and remove the already painted masking tape.
  4. Cover (with new masking tape) what you have painted to protect it and continue with another color.
  5. Repeat the same with each color you choose (protecting the section that you do not want to paint).
  6. Apply varnish to protect and finish your craft.
paso a paso piedras pintadas con spray en 4 pasos de piedracreativa 300x300 - Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint ... does it work?
Step by step stones painted with spray

These are the results obtained with this technique (using masking tape).

Analysis of the result
  • The masking tape is soaked and you have to be very careful not to stain the already painted sections, as it expands underneath. Therefore, it is not a job with good results.
  • Do not apply too much paint to avoid getting the tape too wet. This way you’ll prevent the paint from getting into the stone.
  • Although we have not done it (so that you can see the problems of spray use), you could improve the final result with markers.

2) Using several colors on the same stone separated with insulating tape

The next test was similar to the previous one. We made some flags, but this time we used insulating tape (thinking that maybe the paint wouldn’t go between the stone and the tape).

Steps to follow to test with insulating tape

  1. Wash the stones.
  2. Use insulating tape by sticking it tightly.
  3. Spray the paint and wait for it to dry.
  4. Cover (with new tape) what was painted and dried to protect it and continue painting the other sections.
  5. Repeat the same process until all sections are completed.
  6. Apply varnish.


banderas con piedras pintadas con spray 300x300 - Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint ... does it work?
DIY flags painted with spray and insulating tape

Results using insulating tape

Analysis of the result
  • On this occasion the result was better than using masking tape but there is not possible prevent a little paint entering in stone, so, as you can see, the result was similar.
  • Carefully remove the insulation tape because it does not absorb the paint and can stain the already painted and dry stone.
  • It is good to dry the paint on the insulation tape with absorbent paper to prevent it from getting into the stone.
  • Also, you can repair the errors using markers with the same color.
piedras pintadas con spray banderas piedracreativa 300x225 - Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint ... does it work?
Spray-painted flags

3) Using a single color on each stone

On this occasion, we have painted the stones using a single color per stone and creating a daisy.

To create this daisy we have:

  1. Wash all stones.
  2. Placed together the stones that are desired to paint the same color.
  3. Apply the spray paint on the stones, until well covered with paint.
  4. Expect them to dry to turn them over and reapply the spray.
  5. Repeat the same process until all colors have been completed.
  6. Applied varnish.
margarita con piedras pintadas con spray 300x300 - Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint ... does it work?
Daisy on spray-painted stones


Results not mixing colors in the same Stone

flor margarita piedras pintadas con spray piedracreativa 224x300 - Painting stones with water based acrylic spray paint ... does it work?
Flower painted with spray
Analysis of the result
  • Although the spray does not cover the same way as the acrylic paint with brush, painting in this way, you get quite acceptable results, drying is fast and highly recommended to do with children.
  • You must cover with enough paper or plastic under the surface where you are going to paint, because when you put enough paint with the spray, it is possible to move and stain the table.


Final conclusion

  • Body tape and insulation tape are not recommended to obtain a good result and, even if you try to cover very well parts that you do not want to paint, the paint sneaks between the tape and the stone mixing the colors.
  • It is useful to give color to the background of a new craft (like monsters or comecocos) but not to mix different colors in the same stone.
  • Water-based acrylic spray paint is a good choice for use with children as it is non-toxic and quick-drying.
  • If you really want precision, we recommend acrylic paints with a brush. In addition, its great power to cover the stone provides better results than with the spray.

If you have any suggestions, doubts or questions, you can leave them in the comments section. On the other hand, if you think how to improve this technique tell us and we will test it, we will be happy to learn and grow in the different ways of painting.

Do you know the results if instead of using water based acrylic paint we use solvent based? We anticipate that the results are not the same :). Subscribe to our newsletter and we will notify you as soon as we have all the results of these new tests.

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