Manualidad de cuadro par regalo del valor de la familia

Family values

The family… Is there anything more important? This DIY in stone was made to show how important the family union is. A beautiful and personalized composition to make a precious gift.   Family is not about...

Corazones pintados en piedra para San Valentín

Happy san valentine’s day

A small detail with DIY for Valentine’s Day With this simple manuality we show you how easy and inexpensive it is to show a little bit of love to a special person. We wish you a very happy day! Discover the artist...

Painting heart of stone

Painting a heart of stone

How to paint a heart of stone? Love is wonderful! I have made these cats painted in stone and wrapped in a big heart Materials to create this DIY A triangular stone. Pencil and rubber. Fine brush. White, red and black...

DIY with love

In this category you will find love painted in stone that can help you if you want to do DIY for someone special.

For these types of crafts it is good to keep these points in mind:

• Stones of different sizes and paints of different types (acrylic, watercolor, varnishes) can be used as raw materials.
• Different combinations of drawings, shapes and colors will make our work more striking.
• They are manual and personalized DIY ideal for special occasions like Valentine’s Day, couples anniversaries, etc.
• They will also be perfect gifts for birthdays, mother’s day or father’s day, in order to make a nice DIY detail.