
Olaf in rock painting

Manualidad de Olaf pintado en piedra

How to paint Olaf in stone?

Today we are going to make DIY for children. In particular “Olaf“, the famous snowman of Frozen. A cheerful and good friend as the little children of the house.

We need the following materials:

  • One stone
  • Acrylic or temperate paints (blue, white and black)
  • Brushes
  • Stone or ceramic markers (black, brown and white)
  • A container with water
  • Paper
  • Acrylic varnish (optional)

Step by step to perform this DIY:

The first 5 steps we have followed are:

  • Clean and washed the stone.
  • Paint the background with blue color.
  • Draw the snowman with soft pencil.
  • Draw Olaf’s figure with white paint.
  • Paint the arms and hair with brown color.
  • Paint the external profile with black marker.


Step by step of Olaf painted in stone
Step by step of Olaf painted in Stone
  • Also draw eyes and other parts inside.

Olaf in rock painting
Olaf in rock painting
  • To finish, we recommend that you use a special varnish for stones, thus protect the DIY.

Remember how important and beneficial it is to share great moments with children, so you can find more crafts to do as Peppa Pig, PacMan, Tres en raya, etc. in the Kids section of our blog.

Paint and enjoy with PiedraCreativa

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