Bailaores flamencos en PiedraCreativa

Andalusian art is shown in the crafts

PiedraCreativa have made this beautiful couple dancing and showing the Andalusian art.

And … why without eyes?

The eyes are what gives soul to the face, is what characterizes the feature of each culture. So we think that a person can feel Andalusian without having been born in Andalusia and let each one place his own with his imagination.


How to do this work of art Andalusian?

These materials have been used for this DIY:

  • Different types of stones (white, gray, and in different sizes and shapes)
  • Two pieces of pine wood (used as bases of the pictures)
  • Sandpaper
  • Varnish
  • Brushes
  • Glue
  • Acrylic paints (white, gray, red, black, …)
  • Other ornaments

We choose the stones by making a composition and thinking how it can become the final result.

Flamenco dancers - andalusian art
Flamenco dancers – andalusian art

We chose the woods to use as a background of this stone DIY.

Finally, all the stones are painted giving life, originality and joy to the artistic work.

And we have the final result:

Flamenco dancers in Piedra Creativa
Flamenco dancers in Piedra Creativa

Do you like this type of pictures without frames?

These DIY look great and you will not have to spend money looking for a special frame. We invite you to take a look at our blog and see other pictures made like this (with a piece of wood) such as giraffes, image transfer rabbits, or flowers.

We hope you like them!

Enjoy with PiedraCreativa


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